The student is able to …
Date: ___________ Instructor: _________________ | |
Standard 34 Solve problems using fractions |
34.1 | Understands verbal names, written word names, and standard numbers with fractions |
34.2 | Locates fractions on a number line |
34.3 | Understands the relative size of fractions |
34.4 | Solves word problems that create fractions |
34.5 | Adds whole numbers, fractions, and mixed numbers with and without common denominators |
34.6 | Subtracts whole numbers, fractions & mixed numbers with no regrouping |
34.7 | Subtracts whole numbers, fractions, and mixed numbers with regrouping |
34.8 | Multiplies common mixed fractions, mixed numbers, and whole numbers |
34.9 | Divides fractions |
34.10 | Divides whole numbers, fractions, and mixed numbers |
34.11 | Performs multiple operations using common fractions, mixed numbers, and whole numbers |
34.12 | Selects the appropriate operation to solve problems with fractions |
34.13 | Solves word problems using fractions |
Standard 35 Solve problems using decimals |
35.1 | Locates decimals on a number line |
35.2 | Orders a sequence of decimal numbers from smallest to largest |
35.3 | Multiplies a decimal by a whole number or another decimal |
35.4 | Divides a decimal by a whole number |
35.5 | Divides a decimal by a decimal |
35.6 | Divides a whole number by a decimal |
35.7 | Converts mixed numbers to decimal fractions |
35.8 | Selects the appropriate operation to solve problems with decimals |
35.9 | Solves word problems using decimals |
Standard 36 Solve problems using ratios and proportions |
36.1 | Understands verbal names, written word names, and standard numbers with ratios |
36.2 | Understands the concept of a ratio and proportion |
36.3 | Solves word problems with ratios |
36.4 | Understands that ratios can be represented in different ways |
36.5 | Selects when to solve specific problems by using ratios and proportions |
36.6 | Solves word problems involving ratios and proportions |
36.7 | Demonstrates the process of crossmultiplying to solve proportions |
Standard 37 Solve problems using percents |
37.1 | Understands verbal names, written word names, and standard numbers with percents |
37.2 | Understands the relative size of percents |
37.3 | Solves word problems with percents |
37.4 | Understands that percents can be represented in different ways |
37.5 | Converts between fractions, decimals, and percents |
37.6 | Finds a percent of a number |
37.7 | Finds what percent one number is of another |
37.8 | Finds the total when a percent is given |
37.9 | Solves real-world problems involving percents |
37.10 | Determines sales tax on a purchase when given the tax rate |
37.11 | Uses the interest formula (i = prt) |
Standard 38 Solve problems using integers |
38.1 | Associates verbal names, written word names, and standard numbers with integers |
38.2 | Solves words problems using integers |
38.3 | Locates numbers on a number line |
38.4 | Understands the relative size of integers |
38.5 | Adds integers |
38.6 | Subtracts integers |
38.7 | Multiplies integers |
38.8 | Divides integers |
38.9 | Solves simple problems by applying the algebraic order of operations |
38.10 | Selects the appropriate operation to solve specific problems using integers |
38.11 | Solves word problems involving integers |
38.12 | Finds square of numbers 1-20 |
38.13 | Finds square roots of perfect squares |
38.14 | Writes algebraic expressions (for example: 2x, 2m – 10) |
38.15 | Solves one step equations involving any of the mathematical operations (for example: x + 9 – 27 = 2, x/4 = 3, x – (-4) =2) |
38.16 | Solves two step equations |
Standard 39 Solve problems using geometry |
39.1 | Recognizes & understands the basic properties of two and three-dimensional geometric shapes (examples: circle, rectangle, cube, etc.) |
39.2 | Recognizes types of angles (acute, obtuse, straight, right, reflex) |
39.3 | Recognizes types of triangles (equilateral, right, scalene, isosceles) |
39.4 | Knows the number of degrees in a triangle and a quadrilateral |
39.5 | Uses appropriate geometric vocabulary to write a description of a figure or a picture composed of geometric figures (parallel, perpendicular, similar, congruent) |
39.6 | Uses geometric formulas for perimeter |
39.7 | Uses geometric formulas for area |
39.8 | Uses geometric formula for circumference |
39.9 | Uses geometric formulas for volume of three-dimensional shapes including cubes, rectangles, solids, and cylinders |
39.10 | Understands geometric concepts, including flips, slides, turns, enlargements, symmetry, reflections, similarity, perpendicular, parallel |
39.11 | Predicts and verifies patterns involving tessellation (a covering of a plane with congruent copies of the same pattern with no holes and no overlaps, like floor tiles) |
39.12 | Solves word problems using a variety of geometric formulas for two and three dimensional shapes |
Standard 40 Use estimation skills to solve problems |
40.1 | Predicts results and to check the reasonableness of data |
40.2 | Solves word problems of length, perimeter, area, mass, volume, and capacity |
40.3 | Solves word problems of money, time and temperature |
40.4 | Uses rounding techniques to estimate the solution to an addition or subtraction measurement word problem; then determines the actual result |
40.5 | Uses a variety of strategies to estimate lengths, widths, time intervals, and money to compare to actual measurements |
40.6 | Solves word problems by estimating measurements (length, time, weight/mass, temperature, money, perimeter, area & volume) in either U.S. system or in metric units |
Standard 41 Solve problems using measurement |
41.1 | Identifies the measurement most appropriate for a given situation |
41.2 | Converts within the U.S. system of measures for length, weight, or capacity |
41.3 | Solves linear measurement problems with inches, feet, or yards |
41.4 | Solves capacity problems with cups, pints, quarts or gallons |
41.5 | Solves mass/weight problems with ounces, pounds or tons |
41.6 | Identifies metric units of measure for length, weight/mass, or capacity |
41.7 | Associates prefixes used in the metric system with their decimal equivalents |
41.8 | Converts measures within the metric system from one prefix to another |
41.9 | Solves problems involving units of measure and converts answers to a larger or small unit within either the metric or U.S. system |
41.10 | Selects and uses appropriate instruments, technology, and techniques to measure quantities in order to achieve specified degrees of accuracy |
Standard 42 Understand and apply theories related to numbers |
42.1 | Use of primes, factors, and multiples to build number sequence |
42.12 | Distributive property [for example: 6(4 + 2) = 6 x 6] |
42.3 | Place values |
42.4 | Roman numerals |
Standard 43 Interpret and compare data from graphs, charts and maps |
43.1 | Pictographs |
43.2 | Graphs |
43.3 | Line graphs |
43.4 | Circle graphs |
43.5 | Uses data from charts and tables to solve word problems |
43.6 | Understands and uses mean and median |
43.7 | Uses a scale to measure distance on a map |
43.8 | Uses information from a time zone map |
43.9 | Uses a map showing time zones to determine the time in two or more time zones |
Standard 44 Demonstrate consumer math skills |
44.1 | Calculates and compares the unit prices for different sizes of food containers and for different brands using a calculator or pencil and paper |
44.2 | Uses the sales tax rate to calculate sales tax and total cost of a purchase |
44.3 | Computes discounts and sale prices |
44.4 | Interprets interest and interest earning savings plans |
44.5 | Uses the percentage down, interest rate, and the total purchase price to calculate the actual amount of down payment and balance to be financed on long term purchases |
44.6 | Calculates a finance charge at a give percentage rate |
44.7 | Calculates a checkbook balance from a check (use a calculator or paper and pencil) |