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Date: ___________ Instructor: _________________
Standard 34
Solve problems using fractions
34.1 Understands verbal names, written word
names, and standard numbers with
34.2 Locates fractions on a number line
34.3 Understands the relative size of fractions
34.4 Solves word problems that create
34.5 Adds whole numbers, fractions, and
mixed numbers with and without
common denominators
34.6 Subtracts whole numbers, fractions &
mixed numbers with no regrouping
34.7 Subtracts whole numbers, fractions, and
mixed numbers with regrouping
34.8 Multiplies common mixed fractions,
mixed numbers, and whole numbers
34.9 Divides fractions
34.10 Divides whole numbers, fractions, and
mixed numbers
34.11 Performs multiple operations using
common fractions, mixed numbers, and
whole numbers
34.12 Selects the appropriate operation to
solve problems with fractions
34.13 Solves word problems using fractions
Standard 35
Solve problems using decimals
35.1 Locates decimals on a number line
35.2 Orders a sequence of decimal numbers
from smallest to largest
35.3 Multiplies a decimal by a whole number
or another decimal
35.4 Divides a decimal by a whole number
35.5 Divides a decimal by a decimal
35.6 Divides a whole number by a decimal
35.7 Converts mixed numbers to decimal
35.8 Selects the appropriate operation to
solve problems with decimals
35.9 Solves word problems using decimals
Standard 36
Solve problems using ratios and proportions
36.1 Understands verbal names, written word
names, and standard numbers with ratios
36.2 Understands the concept of a ratio and
36.3 Solves word problems with ratios
36.4 Understands that ratios can be
represented in different ways
36.5 Selects when to solve specific problems
by using ratios and proportions
36.6 Solves word problems involving ratios
and proportions
36.7 Demonstrates the process of crossmultiplying
to solve proportions
Standard 37
Solve problems using percents
37.1 Understands verbal names, written word
names, and standard numbers with
37.2 Understands the relative size of percents
37.3 Solves word problems with percents
37.4 Understands that percents can be
represented in different ways
37.5 Converts between fractions, decimals,
and percents
37.6 Finds a percent of a number
37.7 Finds what percent one number is of
37.8 Finds the total when a percent is given
37.9 Solves real-world problems involving
37.10 Determines sales tax on a purchase
when given the tax rate
37.11 Uses the interest formula (i = prt)
Standard 38
Solve problems using integers
38.1 Associates verbal names, written word
names, and standard numbers with
38.2 Solves words problems using integers
38.3 Locates numbers on a number line
38.4 Understands the relative size of integers
38.5 Adds integers
38.6 Subtracts integers
38.7 Multiplies integers
38.8 Divides integers
38.9 Solves simple problems by applying the
algebraic order of operations
38.10 Selects the appropriate operation to
solve specific problems using integers
38.11 Solves word problems involving integers
38.12 Finds square of numbers 1-20
38.13 Finds square roots of perfect squares
38.14 Writes algebraic expressions (for
example: 2x, 2m – 10)
38.15 Solves one step equations involving any
of the mathematical operations
(for example: x + 9 – 27 = 2, x/4 = 3,
x – (-4) =2)
38.16 Solves two step equations
Standard 39
Solve problems using geometry
39.1 Recognizes & understands the basic
properties of two and three-dimensional
geometric shapes (examples: circle,
rectangle, cube, etc.)
39.2 Recognizes types of angles (acute,
obtuse, straight, right, reflex)
39.3 Recognizes types of triangles
(equilateral, right, scalene, isosceles)
39.4 Knows the number of degrees in a
triangle and a quadrilateral
39.5 Uses appropriate geometric vocabulary
to write a description of a figure or a
picture composed of geometric figures
(parallel, perpendicular, similar,
39.6 Uses geometric formulas for perimeter
39.7 Uses geometric formulas for area
39.8 Uses geometric formula for
39.9 Uses geometric formulas for volume of
three-dimensional shapes including
cubes, rectangles, solids, and cylinders
39.10 Understands geometric concepts,
including flips, slides, turns,
enlargements, symmetry, reflections,
similarity, perpendicular, parallel
39.11 Predicts and verifies patterns involving
tessellation (a covering of
a plane with congruent copies of the
same pattern with no holes
and no overlaps, like floor tiles)
39.12 Solves word problems using a variety of
geometric formulas for two and three
dimensional shapes
Standard 40
Use estimation skills to solve problems
40.1 Predicts results and to check the
reasonableness of data
40.2 Solves word problems of length,
perimeter, area, mass, volume, and
40.3 Solves word problems of money, time
and temperature
40.4 Uses rounding techniques to estimate
the solution to an addition or
subtraction measurement word problem;
then determines the actual result
40.5 Uses a variety of strategies to estimate
lengths, widths, time intervals, and
money to compare to actual
40.6 Solves word problems by estimating
measurements (length, time,
weight/mass, temperature, money,
perimeter, area & volume)
in either U.S. system or in metric units
Standard 41
Solve problems using measurement
41.1 Identifies the measurement most
appropriate for a given situation
41.2 Converts within the U.S. system of
measures for length, weight, or capacity
41.3 Solves linear measurement problems
with inches, feet, or yards
41.4 Solves capacity problems with cups,
pints, quarts or gallons
41.5 Solves mass/weight problems with
ounces, pounds or tons
41.6 Identifies metric units of measure for
length, weight/mass, or capacity
41.7 Associates prefixes used in the metric
system with their decimal
41.8 Converts measures within the metric
system from one prefix to another
41.9 Solves problems involving units of
measure and converts answers to a
larger or small unit within either the
metric or U.S. system
41.10 Selects and uses appropriate
instruments, technology, and techniques
to measure quantities in order to achieve
specified degrees of accuracy
Standard 42
Understand and apply theories related to
42.1 Use of primes, factors, and multiples to
build number sequence
42.12 Distributive property
[for example: 6(4 + 2) = 6 x 6]
42.3 Place values
42.4 Roman numerals
Standard 43
Interpret and compare data from graphs,
charts and maps
43.1 Pictographs
43.2 Graphs
43.3 Line graphs
43.4 Circle graphs
43.5 Uses data from charts and tables to solve
word problems
43.6 Understands and uses mean and median
43.7 Uses a scale to measure distance on a
43.8 Uses information from a time zone map
43.9 Uses a map showing time zones to
determine the time in two or more
time zones
Standard 44
Demonstrate consumer math skills
44.1 Calculates and compares the unit prices
for different sizes of food containers and
for different brands using a calculator or
pencil and paper
44.2 Uses the sales tax rate to calculate sales
tax and total cost of a purchase
44.3 Computes discounts and sale prices
44.4 Interprets interest and interest earning
savings plans
44.5 Uses the percentage down, interest rate,
and the total purchase price to calculate
the actual amount of down payment and
balance to be financed on long term
44.6 Calculates a finance charge at a give
percentage rate
44.7 Calculates a checkbook balance from a
check (use a calculator or paper and