MAN 2905
Independent Study – Business, 1 credit hour, 15 lec.,
30 lab. (Fall Spring, Summer)
Directed study and individual projects designed to
meet the needs of students interested in specialized
areas of business for which present course availability
is limited. Areas of study can also be supplemented to
present business courses for special emphasis or
depth. May be taken up to four (4) times for credit.
MAN 2940
Directed Work Study – Business, 1 credit hour, 45 lab.
(Fall, Spring, Summer)
Directed experience in instructional, laboratory and/or
materials assistance in a designated business area.
May be taken up to four (4) times for credit.
MAP 2302
Differential Equations, 3 credit hours, 45 lec. (Fall,
An introduction to ordinary differential equations with
an emphasis on first and second order linear equations
and applications. Prerequisite: Either completion
of MAC 2312 or MAC 2313 with a “C” or better and
concurrent enrollment in MAC 2313. Equivalent
courses from other institutions may be used to meet
the prerequisite.
MAR 2011
Introduction to Marketing, 3 credit hours, 45 lec.
(Offered as needed)
An introductory course in the field of marketing including
a look at marketing as it exists in our economy
today. Consideration of the market, the product, distribution
channels. Special emphasis on the study of
human behavior in marketing promotion.
MAS 2103
Linear Algebra, 3 credit hours, 45 lec. (Offered as
An introductory course in Linear Algebra intended to
give students enough insight to enable successful pursuit
of more abstract mathematics courses. Graphing
calculators are required. Prerequisite: MAC 2311 with
a grade or “C” or better, or equivalent.
MAT 1033A
Intermediate Algebra, 4 credit hours, 60 lec. (Fall,
Spring, Summer)
An intermediate algebra course to prepare students
for general education mathematics/statistics courses.
This course emphasizes concepts, techniques, and
applications of the following major topics; factoring,
algebraic functions, radicals and rational exponents,
complex numbers, quadratic equations, rational equations,
two-variable linear equations/inequalities and
their graphs, systems of linear equations and inequalities,
and an introduction to functions. Prerequisite:
suitable placement score or completion of MAT 0024
(or equivalent) with a grade of “C” or better and a
passing score on the college prep algebra exit exam.
MAT 2905
Independent Study – Mathematics, 1 credit hour, 30
lab. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
A course designed to allow a student to complete part
of a course taken elsewhere and thereby complete
general education requirements or to go deeper into
special areas of interest. Prerequisite: Passing score
on placement exam.
MCB 1000C
Microbiology, Allied Health, 4 credit hours, 45 lec., 30
lab. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
This course is designed for students entering programs
in the numerous health fields, but primarily for
pre-nursing students. The material presented covers
the fundamentals of microbiology needed to understand
the biology of infectious diseases and the
agents that cause them. Not accepted as satisfying
requirements for majors in biology, premed, prevet,
and predentistry.
MCB 2013C
Microbiology, 4 credit hours, 30 lec., 60 lab. (Offered
as needed)
A fundamental course in microbiology designed to fulfill
the needs of pre-med., nursing and pharmacy students
as well as science majors. A general survey of
microbiology, the cultivation and observation of
microorganism and their chemical and biological relationships
to water, food, industrial processes and disease.
Prerequisites: BOT 1010C, ZOO 1010C, and
CHM 1045C (May be taken concurrently).
MET 1010
Introduction to Meteorology, 4 credit hours, 60 lec.
(Fall, Spring)
Structure of the atmosphere, weather processes, systems
and phenomena; climate and climatic change,
economic impact of weather.
MGF 1106
Mathematics for Liberal Arts, 3 credit hours, 45 lec.
(Fall, Spring, Summer)
This course is designed for those students requiring
only general education mathematics courses. It
includes systematic counting, probability, statistics,
and history of mathematics, geometry, sets and logic.
Prerequisite: Completion of MAT 1033/1033A or higher
mathematics course with a grade of “C” or better,
or equivalent or suitable placement score.
MGF 1107
Mathematics for Liberal Arts II, 3 credit hours, 45 lec.
(Fall, Spring, Summer)
This course is designed for those students requiring
only general education mathematics courses. Topics
include numeration and mathematical systems, number
theory, linear and exponential growth, history of
mathematics, voting techniques, graph theory, and
consumer mathematics. Prerequisites: MAT 1033/
1033A or higher level math with a grade of “C” or
better or appropriate placement score.
MGF 2118
Math Preparation for CLAST, 1 credit hour, 15 lec.
(Fall, Spring, Summer)
A short course dealing with mathematical skills needed
for successful completion of coursework in a
variety of disciplines. Prerequisite: Completion of a
general education mathematics course.
MKA 2021
Professional Selling, 3 credit hours, 45 lec. (Offered
as needed)
Selling, correct attitudes and personal attributes for
dealing with the public on a business or professional
MKA 2041
Retail Management, 3 credit hours, 45 lec. (Offered as
Retail store management, location, buying merchandise,
control policies, services, pricing, expenses,
profits: training and supervision of retail sales forces,
administrative problems. Also includes a variety of current
perspectives in retailing management.
MKA 2511
Introduction to Advertising, 3 credit hours, 45 lec.
(Offered as needed)
Advertising as a marketing tool, its planning, creation,
and use. A survey of copy writing, layout, and media
(newspapers, magazines, radio, television, films, etc.)
MNA 1016
Industrial Management I, 3 credit hours, 45 lec.
(Offered as needed)
The course presents the functions of a manager,
the views, techniques, and responsibilities of management.
Included also are planning, forecasting, organizing,
theory, staffing, and other related topics.
MNA 1307
Training Methods, 3 credit hours, 45 lec. (Offered as
Coverage includes conducting small-group meetings,
discussion groups, focus groups, facilitating one-onone
training and mentoring partnerships, presenting
lectures, and making demonstrations.
MNA 1308
Developing Training Program, 3 credit hours, 45 lec.
(Offered as needed)
Coverage includes strategic planning, curriculum
planning, program development, course development,
and lesson planning. As they relate specifically to customized
training offered in a business setting. Other
topics include identifying training needs, developing a
training budget and justifying training costs.
MNA 1309
Evaluating Training, 3 credit hours, 45 lec. (Offered as
Coverage includes developing training objectives and
monitoring their accomplishment; measuring the value
of training; evaluating learning through testing and onthe-
job observation; and tying training to performance