Catalog Description: Topics include factoring techniques, radicals,
algebraic fractions, complex
numbers, graphing linear equations and inequalities, quadratic equations,
systems of equations,
graphing quadratic equations and an introduction to functions. Emphasis is
placed on algebraic
techniques in order to successfully complete Math 1314 College Algebra. A
departmental final
examination must be passed with a score of 60% or more in order to pass this
Intermediate Algebra, 10th Edition. Margaret Lial, John Hornsby, & Terry
Pearson / Addison Wesley: Boston, 2008. ISBN: 0321443624
Prerequisite: Math 0306 and Math 0308 or equivalent placement test score
Placement: ASSET Elem Alg Raw Score: 14-25, Scaled
Score: 45-55 ASSET Int Alg Raw
Score: 0-15, Scaled Score: 23-45 A grade of "C" or better in Math 0308
Course Intent: This course is the final course in
the developmental mathematics sequence. Its
purpose is dual in nature: (1) to complete the final phase of TASP readiness;
and (2) to prepare
students for College Algebra.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course,
a student should be able to perform the
following mathematics skills:
1. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide polynomials.
2. Factor polynomials.
3. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational expressions.
4. Simplify complex fractions.
5. Solve equations involving rational expressions.
6. Graph linear equations and linear inequalities in two variables.
7. Find the slope of the line and write its equation.
8. Simplify radicals and solve equations involving rational exponents.
9. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide expressions involving radicals.
10. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide complex numbers.
11. Solve quadratic equations by factoring, completing the square, quadratic
formula, and square root property.
12. Graph quadratic functions and inequalities in two variables.
13. Solve systems of linear equations in two variables.
14. Solve word problems.
15. Recognize functional notation and evaluate functions.
Calculators: No calculators are to be used during class and definitely not on exams.
Attendance is checked during every class. When you have accumulated 12.5% or 6
hours of
absences, the instructor is obligated to drop you from the class. You benefit
for attending class
regularly. I strongly discourage coming to class late. It is extremely difficult
to understand a lesson
when you catch it midway, not knowing how it began. You cannot make up lost time
from a test
due to tardiness.
Homework (MyMathLab…REQUIRED WORK)
All homework must be completed online using MML. This online course solution
work will be
averaged in along with your other grades. You are responsible for taking 6
quizzes via MML that
are 10 problems each. All students can attempt each quiz 2 times and the quizzes
can be printed
and reviewed before the second attempt is made. Questions on the second attempt
will not be
identical to the questions on the first attempt of a quiz. Your homework grade
and your quiz grade
will combine to form one test grade.
Scantron FORM NO. 882-E (green in color) is needed for all exams including the
Final Exam.
You are responsible for all material covered in class especially where the Final
Exam is concerned.
There are four (4) major tests. Only 3 of the 4 exams will
count towards your grade. Since one
exam will be dropped, THERE IS NO MAKE-UP OF ANY EXAM. You will take a
comprehensive departmental final exam at the end of the term.
All exams are equally weighted. To compute your grade, take a simple average of
all your grades.
That is…
(Sum of best 3 of 4 exams grades + (MML HW & quizzes) + final exam grade)_ = Final Avg.
Letter grades will be computed as follows:
90-100 | A |
80-89 | B |
70-79 | C |
60-69 | D |
Below 60 | F |
NOTE: You must make 60 or better on the departmental final exam to pass this course.
Academic Dishonesty
All students are required to exercise academic honesty in completion of all
tests and assignments.
Penalties for academic dishonesty (cheating on a test, collusion on an
assignment, etc.) include, but
are not limited to, a reduced grade, a “0” on that test or assignment, a “W” in
the course, or an “F”
in the course. The use of recording devices, including camera phones and tape
recorders, is
prohibited in all locations where instruction, tutoring, or testing occurs.
Students with disabilities
who need to use a recording device as a reasonable accommodation should contact
the Disability
Services Office for information.
Resources and Supplemental Instruction
Any student enrolled in Math 0308 at HCC has access to the tutoring labs where
additional help is
available. The math tutoring labs are staffed with student assistants who can
aid students with
math problems and offer help with MYMATHLAB. Another helpful resource is the
solutions manual that may be purchased in the bookstore.
Student Conduct:
Students should not engage in disruptive activities while in the classroom. Any
conduct that is
deemed detrimental to the academic atmosphere, such as cell phone use or
consistently talking
during instructional delivery, will not be tolerated. Any student found guilty
of such conduct will
be asked to leave the classroom until further notice.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):
Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric,
vision, hearing, etc.)
who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability
Support Services
Office at this college at the beginning of the semester. To make an appointment,
please call 713-
718-7910. Professors are authorized to provide only the accommodations requested
by the
Disability Support Office.
Course Outline (Subject to Change) 0312 MW
Jan. 21 | 2.5 3.1 |
Linear Inequalities in One Variable The Rectangular Coordinate System |
Jan. 26 | 3.2 3.3 |
The Slope of a Line Linear Equations in Two Variables |
Jan. 28 | 3.4 3.5 |
Linear Inequalities in Two Variables (Omit
compound inequalities) Introduction to Functions Quiz 1: Chapter 2&3 |
Feb. 02 | 4.1 5.4 |
Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables Multiplying Polynomials |
Feb. 04 | 5.5 6.1 |
Dividing Polynomials Greatest Common Factors; Factoring by Grouping Quiz 2: Chapter 3-5 |
Feb. 09 | 6.2 6.3 |
Factoring Trinomials Special Factoring |
Feb. 11 | Review for Exam I | |
Feb. 16 | EXAM I | |
Feb. 18 | 6.4 6.5 |
A General Approach to Factoring Solving Equations by Factoring |
Feb. 23 | 7.1 | Rational Expressions and Functions; Multiplying and Dividing |
Feb. 25 | 7.2 | Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions |
Mar. 02 | 7.3 | Complex Fractions |
Mar. 04 | 7.4 | Equations with Rational Expressions and Graphs |
Mar. 09 | Review for Exam 2 | |
Mar. 11 | EXAM 2 | |
Mar. 16 | President’s Day Holiday | |
Mar. 18 | Spring Break (March 16-20) | |
Mar. 23 | 7.5 | Applications of Rational Expressions |
Mar. 25 | 8.1 | Radical Expressions and Graphs (Omit graphs of rational expressions) |
Mar. 30 | 8.2 | Rational Exponents (Include a review of exponents) |
Apr. 01 | 8.3 | Simplifying Radical Expressions |
Apr. 06 | 8.4 | Adding and Subtracting Radical Expressions |
Apr. 08 | Review for Exam 3 | |
Apr. 09 | No Class | Last day for Administrative/Student Withdrawals until 4:30pm |
Apr. 13 | EXAM 3 | |
Apr. 15 | 8.5 | Multiplying and Dividing Radical Expressions |
Apr. 20 | 8.7 | Complex Numbers |
Apr. 22 | 9.1 | The Square Root Property and Completing the Square |
Apr. 27 | 9.2 | The Quadratic Formula Download Final Review |
Apr. 29 | Review for Exam 4 | |
May 04 | EXAM 4 | |
FINAL EXAM: (2hrs. long) Monday, May 11, 2009 from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.