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college intro to algebra tutoring programs
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Author Message


Registered: 29.09.2001
From: United Kingdom

Posted: Wednesday 01st of Aug 07:20    

I think God must have been in a really bad mood decided to come up with something called algebra to trouble us! I’ve spent days trying to figure out a solution to this algebra problem which relates to college intro to algebra tutoring programs and I still can’t crack it . I’m particularly stuck on equation properties, trigonometry and hyperbolas. Can anyone show me the way on how to go about solving such problems? I’ve tried all ways that I could think of, but none helped. I need some urgent guidance now. Anybody?
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Vofj Timidrov


Registered: 06.07.2001
From: Bulgaria

Posted: Wednesday 01st of Aug 12:12    

Well, I cannot solve your homework for you as that would mean cheating. However, I can give you an idea . Try using Algebrator. You can find detailed and well explained solutions to all your problems in college intro to algebra tutoring programs.
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Registered: 03.07.2001

Posted: Wednesday 01st of Aug 13:27    

Hello friends I agree, Algebrator is the greatest. I used it in Remedial Algebra, Basic Math and Intermediate algebra. It helped me understand the hardest math problems. I'm grateful to it.
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Registered: 25.04.2003
From: Germany

Posted: Thursday 02nd of Aug 08:10    

Wow, sounds really good! Can you please tell me where I can get more details? I would like to get hold of a copy of this product immediately.
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Registered: 01.12.2002
From: UK

Posted: Saturday 04th of Aug 08:05    

I remember having often faced difficulties with multiplying fractions, subtracting fractions and multiplying matrices. A truly great piece of math program is Algebrator software. By simply typing in a problem homework a step by step solution would appear by a click on Solve. I have used it through many math classes – Algebra 1, College Algebra and Remedial Algebra. I greatly recommend the program.
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Registered: 13.10.2001
From: kµlt øƒ Ø™

Posted: Saturday 04th of Aug 11:53    

You should check out Your math will get better in a short time, you shall see! All the best!
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