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cheating algebra 1
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Author Message


Registered: 10.07.2003
From: Tacoma, WA

Posted: Friday 03rd of Aug 07:35    

Hello all, I have a very important test coming up in math soon and I would greatly appreciate if any of you can help me solve some questions in cheating algebra 1. I am ok in math otherwise but problems in sum of cubes baffle me and I am at a loss. It would be extremely helpful if you can let me know of a reasonably priced software that I can use?
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Registered: 16.07.2003
From: Odense, Denmark

Posted: Sunday 05th of Aug 09:59    

I have a good recommendation that could help you with math . You simply need a good software to make clear the problems that are complicated. You don't need a tutor , because on one hand it's very expensive , and secondly you won't have it near you whenever you need help. A software is better because you only have to buy it once, and it's yours for all time. I advice you to look for Algebrator, because it's the best. Since it can resolve almost any algebra exercises, you will certainly use it for a very long time, just like I did. I purchased it years ago when I was in Remedial Algebra, but I still use it sometimes .
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Registered: 08.01.2002
From: Australia

Posted: Sunday 05th of Aug 17:49    

I agree, websites on the internet are no better than the college books. Algebrator is a good way to start your math career.
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Registered: 21.08.2002
From: The 7th layer of hell

Posted: Tuesday 07th of Aug 09:18    

I'm so glad I got these answers so fast, I can't wait to try Algebrator. Can you tell me one more thing, where could I find this program? I'm not so good at searching for things like this, so it would be good if you could give me a link . Thanks a lot!
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Registered: 23.11.2001
From: Leeds, UK

Posted: Thursday 09th of Aug 08:22    

Visit and you can get all the information about this tool. I would advice you to try it at least once. All it takes is thirty minutes to get familiar to the software.
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Registered: 08.01.2002
From: Australia

Posted: Friday 10th of Aug 07:02    

I remember having often faced problems with simplifying fractions, graphing lines and adding functions. A really great piece of algebra program is Algebrator software. By simply typing in a problem from workbook a step by step solution would appear by a click on Solve. I have used it through many algebra classes – Intermediate algebra, Intermediate algebra and College Algebra. I greatly recommend the program.
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